Heres one of my "short rhyme"(as i like to call it) written back when i was this daydreaming-kiddo in school. My dreams and fancies that i saw with my eyes wide open......
My Wonder-trip
One summer day:
I am sitting in dismay..
For i am stuck on a trigonometry
And yet to finish my Chemistry!!
Tomorrow is my Examination
But my rythmic mind is upto some "Creation".
That's the only reason i am writing..
And hey!! Something is striking.
Well, why don't i spend my next vacation on Moon,
'Coz my heart longs to have a meal there at noon!!
Also why not have my school on Mars,
So that we get there on "Sattelite Cars"!!
Summers could be spent on Pluto,
"Be Cool" would have to be there the motto!!
Winters ofcourse coud be enjoyed on Mercury,
Warm, pleasant and what else could be more luxury??!!
Well this is just my dream thats merely possible,
When faster than mind theres any vehicle!!
So when theres a date called 31st February,
I might be busy packing for this wonder-trip in a hurry!!
Now the only thing that i have realised....
Surely the one of the greatest boon to mankind is Science!!