Wednesday, August 29, 2012


A cascade of tears
That she had forsaken
Without any reason or rhyme
Weirdly for long she didn’t cry
Cause she was a big girl now!
A pain... she was hurt inside
A seed growing with time
Away from people she loves
Away from the place she knew
Suppressing her fears and contempt
In search of her quests
To win her battles and fears
To unravel myth and live the reality
To fall in love with the riddle called life
To find herself, a niche and a identity
With the precious pearls on her cheeks
Feels like she has unburdened her soul
A weight dropped in the fathoms
Yet she keeps missing her home
Not yet strong as she appears to be 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

My Shadow

My Shadow
Paced behind
Never to shine bright
Seems dark, but...
Appears only in light
Has many myriads of mood
In all shapes and form looms
A loyal follower, silently beside
Despite all odds and stride
There in sad solitude
Even when there happy rays of hope
My silhouette, my shadow
Will be there with me always, i know
Only when its grim black
And no sun will shine
Will it leave me
In search of a luminous soul

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Leh: A Eutopia!

Leh: A Eutopia!
Bordered by brawny mounts
Standing tall and stout!
Roofed by veily-clouds,
From sunny rays too loud.
Aqueous runs a steepy fall...
Radiating rainbow colors from crystal showers.
Sometimes it rains
Sometimes snowflakes!
The valley beneath...
Is a big green maze.
Scaling the heights
We drive through the climb
Reaching out to the...
Highest peak in sight
Snowcaped walls enclose the land
An embrace, can feel the warmth
A slip through the icy planes
The cold wind gushing through panes
Dinners beneath the starry night
Studded like diamonds in the sky
A dessert in day, snows at late
Mix of warm and cold climate
Children play and reflect innocence
Honesty are these people’s essence
Mesmerized, smitten and infatuated
With Leh, Sir Moore’s Utopia re-designated