Tuesday, April 30, 2013

An Escapist

An Escapist
Colored imagery on tapestry
En route to fiction and fables
Dreaming unknown away from real
A stare in the magic mirror
Not to face truth, rather the ethereal

The parallel dimension,
Where no time tik-toks
A road carved of florals
No stones or prickly thorns
Silly symphony in every heartbeat

No wise, no king
The birds always happily sing
No ruffles and dries
Theres always spring
Into that realm
The escapist dwells
Threads all myths and fancies
In an unreal moorish heath

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Free from the mystical enchantment
Washed away are the paints from fancies 
New lenses that seek beyond sugar-coated words
Un-imprinted impressions from the memories
The walls built again with promises
The journey starts anew
A sweet new melody in the air
Its springtime!
Rainbow colors on hair
The liberated soul dreams and dares
To walk the miles and spread the wings
Tis said in love and war, everythings claimed to be fair
Create a tune, a song to play
Theres a goal to reach
Moving on and not just wait and stare
With all the dear and loved ones
Besides forever with fond and care


No soul, not sane
The human is not anymore humane
Evolved retrograde
Every prosper is unmade
Blind, dumb or deaf to...
The sin graver or sinner?
Silence indeed costs a millions
A Million more innocence.
The fire within ignites
Burn burn thou demons in purgatory
Yet ashes scattered and splurred
Of the Sita since eons of time!