Tuesday, October 19, 2010


It started with a smile
That caught my eyes
Then it turned into a song
I could dance along
All day, all night .. forever i'd thought

Waking up to his kiss
To bed with his dreams
Write a rhyme to his name
On a sheet of white plain
Lengthy verses .. forever i'd thought

Laugh at his funny ways
Cry together in our pains
Build our abode of love 
To be that perfect pair of dove
Blessed .. forever i'd thought

Our story to live 
The life we could lead
A journey we'd travel
Bare feet on roses and gravels
Happily ever after .. forever i'd thought

But the threads broke even before they'd be spun
So even after a decade 
I rather not hold on
Not cling onto your memoirs
Away I run, Away from You and the LoveStory
Towards an inevitable, The End

1 comment:

Vins said...

i really like your pics posted...Now on i have become fan of "dis shravani" ...