Friday, November 6, 2009


Why is it always about me?
Why is it always about my dreams?
Why am I occupying my own thoughts?
Why about whom I love or with whom I fought?
Why am I my own inspiration?
Why indulge in self-praise and admiration?
Why I draw my bounds and limits?
Why believe I own every hours and minutes?
Why do I have to take my own decisions?
Why do I have those million reasons?
Why do I trust myself?
Why look in me for my confidence?
Why write my own songs?
Why pick my rights from my wrongs?
I am just one small grain of sand in the heap
Eventually to be lost forever in the bottom deep
And yet I go on and on and on and on...
The selfish Narcissus that matters to no one!!

4 comments: said...

It's when someone is obsessed/in love with themselves. It comes from a mythological character named Narcissus who fell in love with his own reflection. U can also say ds: "abnormal admiration of one's self." Most narcissists (75%) are men.
NPD is one of a "family" of personality disorders (formerly known as "Cluster B") n all sorts of things have been observed by ds silly poet. Great going dear...!!!

Shravani Mukherjee said...

whooooaaa thankyou dear!!

Saurabh Banerjee said...

Very well articulated! All of us (humans) struggle with this dichotomy. It is our human nature. Unfortunately, we are limited by our individual fragmented consciousness. Wouldn't it be nice if we could think each other's thoughts and feel each other's feelings?..An universal collective consciousness.

Shravani Mukherjee said...

thankU for your words big Bro, its encouraging :)