Sometimes I think .. should write about you
What I so much like and dislike in you
So heres a list of things that i do like about you
And the very things why I hate in you
LOVE about you . .
Your Eyes, they captivate me
Your Smile, that brings mine on my lips
Your Song, with words that string perfectly
Your Voice, in whose depths I am always lost
Your Looks, most charming of all
And its you, for always whom
Feelings I harbour deep inside my heart
HATE about you . .
Your Eyes, can't see what I feel
Your Tears, you never share with me
Your Song, will you ever write for me?
Your Voice, you never call me with
Your Charms, keep bewitching me!!
And its you, 'cause you care for all but me
Breaks my heart that I just can't forget thee
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